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Cervical Bulging Disc
9/26 8:53:31

My son is a 16 year old football player who has "...mild posterior disc bulges at the C3-C4 and C4-C5.  These cause a slight effacement of the CSF ventral to the cervical cord, but there is CSF space remaining between the cord and each disc."  I have been told by his doctor, there is no way to treat/fix a bulging disc and has recommended he not play football.  Can bulging discs be treated/fixed?


A 16 year old has the potential for the bulging disc to "resorb" to a certain degree, since the discs in a young person is more pliable, hydrated, and resiliant.  Also, mild posterior bulges are not uncommon in the general, non-symptomatic population.  I would suggest his return to football not be based on how the doctor interprets an MRI image.   Instead, it should be based on your son's objective signs and his symptoms.  If he has no radiating arm pain and only has some neck symptoms, then who cares what the MRI interpretation is?  Get the neck treated and bring his symptoms under control.  Get any objective findings, e.g. pain to press on his neck bones, pain provocation to compress his cervical spine, or any other physical exam findings, to return to normal or negative.   If he has full range of motion, return of neck and arm strength, and no provocation of pain with physical exam, then there is no reason to avoid football.   My suspician is that the doctor in question is not a sports orthopedist.  Maybe get a 2nd opinion by a sports chiropractor.   Go to

'Hope this was helpful.

Dr. G

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