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Chronic Back pain and bppv.
9/26 8:45:02

I have had chronic pain in my back for about 8-10 years and milder pain before that. It goes from my low back to my upper back at various times and is usually quite bothersome. I crack my back every day after work and do stretching exercises but my posture is bad and I sit a lot at work. I have seen chiropractors, physical therapists and many doctors but they all say they don't see any spinal damage or deterioration. Last year I was diagnosed with bppv after many bad dizzy spells and so I couldn't use my inversion table anymore which was really helping my back and neck pain. Should I still be able to use my inversion table with bppv? I haven't had dizzy spells in about 6 months and really don't want to but every day throughout the day I have a sort of off balance feeling and sometimes suddenly while sitting down I get dizzy. Could this be from the particles in my inner ear still not being fully in the proper area? Thank you

I am sorry to hear of your health issues. I am always asked if it is a bad thing to crack your own spine. My answer is yes and no. First and foremost if you crack your spine all the time then you may be causing pinched nerves and this may be adding or even causing your dizziness. So in your case is it safe to crack your back the answer is a resounding NO DON"T DO IT! I suspect this has become more of a habit than an absolute need. Try this first determine how many times you crack your back. My patients have been astounded by this as they didn't realize that they really did crack their spine more often than they thought.In other words keep score and count how many times you crack your neck and jot it down. What ever the number is shoot for cutting it in half for the next two weeks. Then cut in half again. Try to get this to an absolute minimum with the goal to stop it.( this is a bad habit that really is contributing to your overall health journey in which you are either getting well or getting sick there is no in between).Also tell friends and family and co worker to make a comment every time you crack you neck/back. You absolutely need to get your posture under control. I'd like to see you use the inversion table again but obviously not now. The reason I bring up the inversion table is because it is a good thing in MODERATION and will not cure your issues.

When speaking of bppv one always has to access the inner ear as well as other areas of the nervous system. Do you spin or does the room spin is always a good place to start. Also google EPLY"S manuver in google.

I highly suggest you get with a chiropractor and tell him/her exactly what you are doing and eind out if they are versed in Brain Based Therapy and EWOT exercise with oxygen therapy. Also calorie ear stimulation would be a good avenue for you to seek out. These are areas where a BBT Chiropractor can help you. If you are not in the phoenix area I suggest finding a chiropractor at and tell em DR Quackenbush sent ya.

Hope this helps..please get to a chiropractor and work on not cracking your own neck!

Dr John Quackenbush

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