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Wait for a scheduled MRI, or go to Emerg?
9/26 8:40:35

Hello, one year ago I had my first mri that showed bilateral foraminal narrowing, moderate l4-l5 facet joint degeneration, and moderate ddd. I have chronic low back pain in the center above the buttocks that has been at a constant level 3-5 for 1.5 years, with cramping and aching in the thighs, especially at night. I have had an extremely bad 'flare up' for the past 3 months, it has been at a constant level 7-8, the pain has been spreading from the center back accross the hip area, on bad days I have a pronounced limp. I also have numbness in my right leg, second and third toes, that comes on when I am active and stays for a while. I have a 'belt' like sensation of numbness beginning at the top of the left side of my vagina wrapping underneath to the top left side of buttocks, this sensation is about 1 inch wide. It also comes on with movement about 1 to 2x per week. However it only stays for about five minutes, then goes away, but back pain is greater after, I usually have to rest after it goes away. I exercise regularily and have attended physio regularily as well. Four weeks ago, my physio was doing Mackenzie based stretches with me, and the next day I had severe localized pain about a handwidth up from the original site of pain. I cannot touch my knees, sitting is extremely painful, it even hurts when I breathe (regular breathing, not just deep.) It feels extremely tight, and at night is horrible, feels like something is moving in my spine. Rather than the original chronic pain, this pain feels much different. I take amitryptaline 25-100mg per night, and 10mg 2x per day of keterolac for pain. I do have an MRI scheduled for January 5, 2012. I am basically wondering if with everything combined with this new pain, should I wait for the MRI, or plan a visit to the emergency room? I just don't want to go to Emerg if they are going to only give me more pills, waiting times are huge right now! (I am 28yrs old, 5'3, and 140lbs, just for more info)

Firrs:The hospital will most likely Give you more medication. Why not call a different MRI facility and get your MRI quicker?? You can choose any MRI facility.
Second: if you have had back pain for the past year an half, what have you been doing for it?? Besides medication? Medication only masks your symptoms. Physio only deal with muscles. I've never understood why people see a physical therapist for a disc/ nerve problem when they only work with muscle and soft tissue. Ask your doctor why he hasn't referred you to a chiropractor. You do not need a referral to see one and should get yourself into a qualified chiropractors office immediately. See what he can do for you, especially because your so young. Regardless of when you get your MRI, see a chiropractor. You have nothing to lose at this point.  Take your x rays with you on your first visit. Make sure your chiropractor check ls the olio-psoas muscle.  

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