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popping sensation in ribs
9/26 8:39:26

For the past year or so I have had this constant slight popping sensation with every exhale in the the low center area of the left side of my ribs. It olny happens while I lay on my sides, and seems to go away if I sleep flat on my stomach with a pillow underneith my stomach. Or if I press the  area firmly with my fingers. It does not hurt at all but it is very agravating. I believe I cracked a rib in this area a few months before this started happening by pulling myself up into a boat. Any ideas what this is and should I seek a doctors help?

Dear Thomas,

please forgive my lateness in response. I have been swamped at the practice.

Lots of people have popping of joints/ribs, etc, and most of it means nothing at all.  Since you indicate that you might have "cracked" a rib, which is the same as a brake or a fracture, there is the possibility of non-union of the damaged bone/rib, meaning that it did not heal, and there is a pseudo joint at the place where it did not heal.  This, in my mind, seems very unlikely, and even if it were the case, is not something that you need to worry about.  Another possibility is that the rib did heal, but that it is slightly mis-shapen, resulting in abnormal movement during breathing.  This could cause a pop or click in the rib as it rubs against adjacent tissues.  Again, this would be nothing to worry about.

If you are worried about it, I would consult a doctor and ask him/her if he thinks that there is something wrong that should be corrected.  I know that bones often take months to years to fully repair, and I also know that sometimes the most significant injury is not to the bone, but to the ligaments and connective tissue that surrounds the bone.  I am sorry that it is an annoyance, but from what you have told me, it is likely nothing to worry about.  Again, that being said, there is nothing that substitutes for a good history and examination, face to face, with your favorite doctor.

Good luck Thomas.  I hope that the clicking goes away soon and stops annoying you!

Keith Biggs, DC

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