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cubital tunnel syndrome
9/26 8:39:21

I have been diagnosed with cts by a neurologist saying there is "significant" nerve damage.  I have tried anti-inflammatory drugs, hot/cold treatment, personalized splint for bedtime, elbow pad during day to avoid pressure or damage to elbow but I still have constant numbness to pinkie finger and soreness in elbow.  I'm finally leaning towards surgery since I've been dealing with this since February (now middle of Sept) and am fearful of permanent nerve damage or excessive scar tissue.  There is no repetitive movement or injury that caused this.  I am 66 and quite active.  What is your opinion given these facts.

Mary Ann
if you feel CTS surgery is a consideration I suggest you seek the care of a competent Chiropractor to see if you have a pinched nerve in the neck shoulder elbow or wrist. You need togive it a six week try. That way you will have tried everything conservative and if it doesnt work at least you will know you did everything possible.

Finally if you decide to have surgery check out brown hand center in Phoenix az they seem to have a less invasive type of surgery.

I hope this helps with your health decisions.
John Quackenbush DC

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