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Elbow/Forearm Clicking Noise
9/26 10:40:23


About a month ago, while lifting myself from a seated position using both arms, I felt a small pop in my left elbow. It did not cause any pain and I did not think much of it at the time.  However, ever since then I have a clicking noise in the elbow/forearm area which happens when I rotate the forearm with the elbow bent between 45 and 90 degrees.  It is always there and again no pain associated with it, just annoying.
Any ideas what it could be?  I am concerned about exercising with it.  Should I be? I am 36 year old male.

Any insight is appreciated.

You may have a misalignment in your Ulna or Radius Bones which are in your forearm and connect at your wrist and at your elbow.  It could also be your Medial Collateral Ligament or Lateral Collateral Ligament.  Which part of your elbow had the pop?  Where do you feel pain?
did you take any pictures of the area?  MRI, X-Ray?
Any more information would be helpful.
Yours in Best Health,
Dr Arnone

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