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Bus Drivers Back
9/26 10:06:11

I started working as a bus driver two years ago at age 50 andwould like to avoid this problem which is affecting guys much younger than me.
A lot of them use those obus form back pillows but I am so absent minded I would lose mine.
I have been trying to lose the gut (its tough at my age) and I stretch every day do situps. In spite of this I am getting twinges in my back. Can you suggest other stuff?
Also, I notice when I do situps. I cant get my whole spine to flatten on the ground. There seems to be a ' hollow spot between the middle of my back and my neck that I have to really concentrate on getting to touch the ground when I do situps.Is this natural?
In spite of  

Well Gord, thank you for your wonderful question. All too often Spinal Decompression Toronto patients from the GTA as well as all over the world write to me to ask me how to get rid of their problem, and you may infact be the first asking me how to prevent back problems! So, Gord, good for you and here's a Top 10 list of suggestions that are sure to help:

1. Remove any wallets placed in back pockets
2. See a chiropractor to get advise on proper stretches that appropriate for you to tighten up your abdominals, erector spinae and central core muscles. Also get an evaluation on your spine to ensure that your alignment is where it should be, and to get suggestions regarding your posture.
3. Stretch your back and neck (see the chiropractor)
4. If you have a long bus run, 45 minutes or more, its a great idea to get up and stretch for even 30 seconds to reduce back pain.
5. Bend at the knees not at the waist for the rest of your life and have someone help you carry heavy objects.
6. Try to eat a healthier diet, including foods that naturally rich in omega 3 fatty acids to keep your body lean and able to reverse any soft tissue injury where possible. Such foods include fishes like salmon, dark green leafy veggies like kale, and nuts and seeds.
7. Drink lots of non bottled water every day, more than 8 glasses per day.
8. Stay active: exercise at least 15-20 minutes 4 times/week as a minimum.
9. Take time out for yourself to help reduce stress.
10. Check out our web site at for more tips that can help you!

This is a good start! By the way, the obus form seat cushion is a great idea but, you must seriously consider these suggestions that I gave you as well!

When you're done I would greatly appreciate it if you would rate my answer and consider to nominate me as expert of the month!
Remember - everyone loves the Bus Driver!
Dr. Ron Nusbaum

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