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9/26 10:06:05

I have a pain on my right leg due to compresion of an herniated disk (L5) A neurosurgeon wanted to cure me trough surgery inmediately after my diagnosis, but a traumatologist wanted me to meke 18 fisiotherapist sessions before any surgical maneouver because this is not a laughing matter. To be honest, here in Venezuela, I do no feel better after all this exercices and when I am standing I feel pain. I feel pain.
Thanks for your opinion

Dear Aurax,
Thank you for sharing your story with me. Back Clinics of Canada has seen thousands of patients with your symptoms, and it is always heart breaking to hear. Spinal Decompression back pain patients usually present with bakc pain along with some referral down one of their legs. This pain down the leg is often referred to as sciatica. The cause of sciatica is often due to a disc bulge or herniation.  While early stages of back pain are often best treated with chiropractic care and physical therapy, when the problem has progressed, as it seems like yours, patients do much better when they undrgo non-surgical spinal decompression.  You can learn more about this procedure if you follow this link:    

Please either fly to our clinic in Toronto, or if you are fortunate to have a clinic in Venezuela that provideds this care, get your self a consultation and examination as soon as possible. You should bring along with you MRI's and x-rays if you have. If not you would be well advised to get an x-ray and an MRI of your lumbar spine.

Please let me know how you are doing Aurax.You can contact me anytime!
Please take a moment out and rate my answer and nominate me as expert of the month.

Sincerely yours,

Dr. Ron Nusbaum
CEO Back Clinics of Canada

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