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finger swelling
9/26 9:10:54

hello , I saw your video for joint pain in fingers. But I am wondering if this pressing on the side of the knuckle should be done if there is still swelling of finger. I slammed my finger against a door frame almost two weeks ago; the bruising is gone but there is still swelling in knuckle. Should I wait until swelling is gone before I attempt this?

Hi Sally,

My experience with my patients knuckles and my own knuckles is that once the bruising is gone and the swelling remains, then it's time to work on the knuckle, because working on it and moving the joint will actually help the swelling go down, which will actually help the tissue heal as well.
Not sure if you found my videos on youtube or my website, but here's my free page with all the videos and text,
You can be gentle at first, but I find once your knuckle warms up, you can get some pretty good work done.

Keep up the good work!

All the best,

Gary Crowley

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