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Chiropractor - How to choose one?
9/26 9:03:15

I recently started going to a chiropractor.  She has since given me medical advice of which I am skeptical.  I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia about 3 years ago.  I suffer from pain mainly on my right side.  She says I don't have fibromyalgia; she says I have Vertebral Subluxation instead.  Can she be right?  Can Fibro give pain only on my right side?  What criteria should one use to evaluate the competence of a good chiropractor?  

This chiropractor's diagnosis sounds very suspicious.  In general it is a good idea to not trust diagnoses by chiropractors because of their limited clinical experience (we generally see healthy patients in professional school).

Vertebral subluxation is not a legitimate diagnosis because many people with supposed misalignments have no symptoms whatsoever.  Further, chiropractic tests to diagnose them are dubious and their marketing is sleazy.

Sometimes patients can develop adhesions and decreased range of motion in a joint.  This leads to tenderness and pain at that joint.  This type of problem responds to specific mobilization and/or manipulation by a physical therapist.

Fibromyalgia has two presentations, a generalized form and a localized form.  It is possible that you have the localized form.  I recommend you get a referral to a physiatrist (MD) who is a specialist in this area and be re-evaluated.  Some general information on Fibromyalgia can be found here

For information on chiropractic I recommend you visit


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