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Deciding what therapy would be best for me
9/26 9:01:43

Hello. About 3 months ago, my airbags deployed unexpectedly when I started my car. I suffered jaw disc displacement as well as muscle inflammation. In addition, I have neck and back pain that seems to be progressing, as my right arm almost constantly burns, and my left fingertips occassionally go numb. I was told I have "whiplash." My doctor is recommending physical therapy and/or chiropractic care.

My questions...

An MRI done a year or so ago showed mild disc degenerative of C 3, 4, 5 & 6. It also showed moderate to severe disc degeneration of T 9 & 10. Is this normal for someone in their early 30's?  Could this have anything to do with not healing from whiplash?

What therapy do you think would be of the most benefit for me?

Thank you!

normal,no. relatively common,yes. yes. the same basic problem which has caused slowly progressing spinal degenerative change is also responsible in large part for your other symptoms, even though those symptoms only began recently subsequent to the airbag incident. i do not recommend therapy. i do recommend correction. i would seek an HIO METHOD chiropractor for this.

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