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9/26 8:57:04

I have had problems with TMJ to the point where it has been causing disturbances that feel like panic attacks.  I have been trying to stretch my neck and this helps but it also feels like the pain is being aggravated at times, it has even led to pains in my bowels lately.

I have an appointment with a chiropractor on Wednesday.  Could you give me some more information about TMJ? It is hard to google honest information about health these days.  I know it is a fairly "new" syndrome, and it was not until recently that I discovered that I had these symptoms and what they meant.  Do the neck muscles and jaw muscles lock up with other muscles in the body? (for example the shoulders?)


Hi ryan,

I couldn't agree more about the info online.  Temporomandibular Dysfunction (TMJ problems) are vexing because it is a small area with a lot of neurology going on around it.  So, very small changes can have large neurological consequences.

This answers your question about wide ranging effects.  The nervous system is the mediator or interface for every action in the body.  If the nerves get compromised, other areas get stressed.  I've read where some gnathologists (TMD specialists) have seen these problems mimic heart attacks.

I am glad that you are conferring with the doctor of chiropractic.  They should be able to give you some more concrete guidance after evaluating your particular situation.

Hope this helps.

God bless, Dr Pendergraft

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