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 Bone Health > Question and Answer > Pain and Symptoms > Chiropractors > MP
9/26 8:38:47

I don't want to do drugs or surgery. What else can I do about my MP? It started about two months after I took a job at a warehouse back in August 2012. I stand on my feet for 10 hour shifts on concrete floors. I have ortho-grade shoes with special orthotic inserts from Foot Solutions. I can only sit for two 15 minutes breaks during my shift, with a half hour for lunch. I've been seeing a DC for months getting adjustments and have exercises he assigned me to do at home. My MP is not much better. The burning and bee sting sensations on the side of my right thigh and front of my knee just become unbearable at times. I don't think I'll ever get used to the numbness either. I take Nature's Sunshine vitamins and some anti-inflamatory herbs. I try to eat healthy and I have lost some weight since I started this job, but I have never done physical labor like this until I was laid off from my desk job. I am about 5'6" and weigh about 145 pounds, am nearly 57 years old. I work on the deep muscles in my bottom with a big foam roller and a tennis ball at home. I do my stretches, too. Would an inversion table help since my DC says my body has no time to decompress? Sitting provides some relief but doesn't cure the problem. I used to dance three to four hours two to three nights a week and NEVER experienced any MP! Any advice you may have would be greatly appreciated. I have to stay at this job indefinitely and a little relief would make my job more bearable.

Thank you for your time!

I suggest you seek the care of healthcare physician who practices Functional Medicine. Most of the nutritional supplements are prescribed based on your blood work and hormonal levels. Try finding a doctor here

I could not begin to answer your question w/o blood work, hormonal levels as well as thyroid testing. I hope you find a doc in your area.

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