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How does Nerve Pain normally develop
9/23 17:21:36

I see a Rheumatologist for Fibromyalgia and painful joints.  I have a high ANA result, but other tests are in the normal range, so I do not have a official diagnosis of anything other than Fibro.  I have taken plaquinel and currently as doing a trial without it.  I may restart it again due to increased pain.  I take 1,000 to 1,500mg a day of naproxen, plus several other medications for other conditions, no recent changes.

I just saw my Rheumatologist for a check up less than 3 weeks ago.

After what was likely some over exertion 9 days ago, (I was on my knees trying to install some floor tile, which was obviously too much for me to do) I started to experiance a feeling of numbness in my right leg and had trouble walking.  I don't feel like I have full sensation in my right foot and feel like I am walking to the outside of my foot, and I am limping some.

My calf muscle was extremely painful after that day about 9 days ago.  There was no traumatic event, only what was likely to have been over doing it.  I suspected that I had pulled a muscle or somehow caused a slight tear with my calf muscle due to the pain level being quite high.  

I figured it was more of a activity related injury as opposed to being a symptom of an autoimmune condition.  However, 9 days later, I still have the numbness and the loss of feeling / strength (perhaps better described a muscle weakness in my foot, as it is hard to move my toes).

I am trying to figure out if this is likely still a result of the injury and I should wait it out longer, or if this could be some type of nerve pain that I am developing due to an autoimmune issue.  

My Rheumatologist runs a busy practice and books appointments several months out.  I am sure I can get in to see him if necessary, however I hate to bother him if this is likely the result of an injury that is going to heal on it's own.

My question is, based on what I have told you, would you suspect that this is just related to the activity / injury or would you be more inclined to think it is a new symptom that developed related to an autoimmune issue?  (does nerve pain normally come on after a trigger event like overuse of a muscle? or does it come on very slowly?)

Thank you for any thoughts or suggestions you may have.


It sounds like you have a pinched nerve due to inflammation in the lower back. This would cause all the symptoms you describe. It does not sound like an autoimmune response.

It would be a good idea to see you general practitioner. This is to rule out stress fractures in the spine, arthritis in the spine or a bulging disc putting pressure on a nerve. It could also be that you overworked your lower back muscles and they are tight and are causing improper stress on the spine.

Nerve pain can come on slowly when a disease is causing it. It can come on fast if there is something suddenly putting pressure on a nerve.

Most likely because of the anti-inflammatories you are taking it will pass soon but it is a good idea to rule out anything serious.


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