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arthritis of the elbow
9/23 17:11:05

Hi i'm a 39yr old lady. i have just had my 3rd operation on my left elbow due to a fracture of the radial head when i was 12. i have now been diagnosed with moderate/severe osteoarthritis. i have been told to keep using my arm (i have to as i am left handed) but rest it when necessary. some days the pain is constant, on others its not too bad. can you advise me as to how much or how little i should be using my arm, its just the information i've been told is a little vague and any leaflets concentrate on hips and knees! thank you for your time

Hi Samantha,

Post-operative OA is similar to post-traumatic OA in that they both respond well to Glucosamine sulfate with MSM. The only difference is scar tissue proliferation after surgery, even that can be effectively treated with therapeutic ultrasound treatments and joint manipulation 3x/week for a few weeks.
The GS with MSM is OTC, many people make the mistake and take too little, you need to take 3 grams/day. That is usually 3 500mg tabs 2X/day or 6 pills/day. That is the researched therapeutic dose.
It is proven to stop OA and even reverse it in 70% of patients.
Also be aware that taking Nsaids will inhibit the GS from working since these actually prevent cartilage cells from dividing. They may help with the pain but it is only a reuse, it only masks the symptoms while destroying your joints.

Hope this helps!
Dr. Timothy Durnin

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