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Neck Pain Due To Whiplash
9/23 9:30:25
Anyone who has been in a rear end collision has probably had to deal with neck pain that resulted from the incident. The technical term for such neck pain is called whiplash and millions of Americans have missed work, social events, and had to alter their lives in some way in order to deal with such a severe injury.

Whiplash can be a difficult ailment to diagnose due to its ability to show symptoms days or even weeks after the accident occurred. But there is hope for dealing with such pain in a non-invasive, non-surgical way and that is through chiropractic care.

First of all, it is important to know exactly what whiplash is, how it occurs, and the symptoms associated with such an injury before you seek out a chiropractic professional to treat it. Whiplash can happen to anyone, not just car accident victims.

Those who play sports or who suffer a serious fall at work or at home can be afflicted with whiplash. In technical terms, whiplash is the sudden and uncontrolled movement of the neck and head in a quick back and forth motion that results in tearing of the musculature of the neck and damage to the vertebrate. The resulting symptoms can range anywhere from ringing in the ears, to dizziness, to headaches, and even fatigue and jaw pain. When the pain gets too bad, you will tend to miss out on daily activities such as work and social activities as well. If this is unacceptable to you, visiting your chiropractor will give you your life back.

Your initial visit will start with you giving the chiropractor a detailed history of your overall health and lifestyle and how you obtained the whiplash injury. X-rays will be taken and then your chiropractor will begin to adjust not only your neck, but the rest of the spine as well to make sure that you are in prefect alignment. Along with spinal manipulations, the chiropractor will massage the various muscles that have become tight and injured in order to give you your range of motion back in the neck. Stretches and exercises may also be taught to you so you can continue your treatment at home and obtain maximum relief in a shorter amount of time.

If the area in the neck is really damaged, progressive rehabilitation to strengthen the muscles and joints may be in order so this type of injury has a lower chance of recurring in the future. Reduction in your pain should commence after the very first visit with overall pain relief occurring within half a dozen visits or more. It all depends on how extensive your particular whiplash injury is.

You can rest assured that your pain can be managed and treated with the care of a doctor of chiropractic. All of the procedures are non-invasive, efficient and effective, and require no drugs or needles. Neck pain does not have to rule your everyday life and if it does, chiropractic care will give you that life back.

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