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A Simi Valley, CA Chiropractor Alleviates Neck Pain Safely Without Drugs
9/23 9:30:09
Back and neck pain is extremely common amongst the general adult public. The severity ranges from debilitating to slight pain that does not interfere with the daily activities of life. People who find that their pain levels are restricting them from doing what they want to be doing may spend years going from doctor to doctor looking for relief. Some may find that relief through surgery, some may take medication; but, others want to relieve their pain naturally, without medication or surgery. A Simi Valley chiropractor can help get rid of neck and back pain without using any kind of medication or surgical procedures.

Resolving Pain Naturally

Chiropractors spend years studying the relationship of the spine and nervous system to the rest of the body. They learn that pain and other health problems are often caused by a vertebral subluxation or spinal misalignment. The misalignment creates an interruption in the flow of messages the brain sends via the nerves. If this alignment is not treated, long-term, very serious health problems can occur.

Natural Care Modalities

Most often a chiropractor will do a spinal adjustment on a patient as the primary form of care. After the adjustment and the spine has been re-aligned, the chiropractor may teach the patient how to do exercises that will strengthen the muscles where the spine had gone out of line. These exercises will help the body hold the newly re-aligned position of the spine. Other modalities that a chiropractor might recommend including ultrasound, electrical stimulation and massage. General healthy lifestyle choices will also be recommended by the chiropractor.

State Licensing Requirements

Each state has a different set of rules and requirements regulating the licensing of chiropractors. In every state, though, it is illegal for a chiropractor to write prescriptions or perform surgery. If you are looking for a doctor whose focus is on helping the whole person to heal, a Simi Valley chiropractor can help you get rid of your neck pain safely and without the use of medications or surgery.

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