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How To Help Your Neck Pain With The Right Pillow
9/23 9:29:00
If you wake up with neck pain and have been dealing with this problem for a while, there's something I want to share with you. This problem can possibly be solved by finding the right pillow and using it in the proper position. In this guide, I'll share what you need to know. Hopefully, I can help you get some more quality sleep!

Tight muscles are often caused by stress and are commonly found in our neck. A pillow which lacks support and doesn't provide you with the right comfort can only make the pain in your neck worse.

One type of pillow, known as the body pillow helps the entire skeletal system. If you're suffering from pain in your neck, shoulders, knees, hips and ankles, this pillow can help the entire body. It works as a relief in the pressure built up in these parts. If you sleep on your side, look into a full length body pillow. It works best for side sleepers as it supports the whole body.

The ideal pillow (type of pillow) provides a nice curve that mocks the position of our neck as we're standing or sitting. It's a very natural position. The curve in the pillow supports the head and neck and this is crucial for when one is lying down. Muscle strain and pain can be caused from the unnatural bending of the neck.

Neck pain is often caused due to the lack in pillow support. There's also the chance your pillow isn't soft enough. If you have a pillow filled with cotton, make sure to keep an eye on the level of firmness as these pillows often lose their firmness. As the firmness decreases, your neck loses support which could be the reason for pain.

The way you position your pillow is another crucial factor in avoiding pain. As you lay on your back, always make sure your neck has support. If your neck is pointing forward towards your chest, then you're getting too much support. If you sleep on your side, always keep your pillow in a position that keeps your head in line with your neck.

Another claim many experts have made is sleeping with a pillow under your arm. This should be a soft pillow to provide a bit of support for your arms. The best option for this is a feather pillow.

We all have different preferences when it comes to our pillows. If you're getting quality sleep, then you're probably fine with what you're using. If not, then make the change but expect it to take a few nights of sleep before you're used to the new pillow.

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