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When to Call Your Doctor for Back Pain
9/23 15:47:13

It seems that when your back hurts, everything else hurts as well. It’s no wonder, when you consider how much stress and strain your back takes every day to support the rest of your body. When you experience back pain, you want relief as soon as possible. This may make it tempting to call your doctor at the first sign of pain, but there are plenty of types of back pain that can be effectively treated at home. However, there is an appropriate time to see your doctor for a diagnosis of your back pain and an effective treatment strategy. The key is in understanding which types of pain you can successfully relieve at home, and which will require the care of a professional.

Home Care

We all experience back pain at one time or another. The discomfort can be caused by poor posture, lifting a heavy object improperly or simply moving the back the wrong way. In most of these cases, home care will do the trick for your back pain. This might include alternating hot and cold packs on the area, rest and over the counter pain medications. In most of these situations, you will see relief from your back pain within 72 hours, although it may take much longer for the pain to go away completely. However, if you cannot pinpoint the cause of your pain, or if your discomfort does not improve after a few days of home care, it may be time to see your doctor for a more precise diagnosis and a more effective treatment plan.

Warning Signs

There are some rare occasions when back pain can be a symptom of a more serious medical problem. There are some signs that you should watch for, and call your doctor if you experience any of them. If your pain is constant and intense, and worsens when lying down, this could be a sign of another health issue. It is also important to call if you feel the pain down one or both legs, or if you feel numbness or tingling in your limbs. If your back pain is accompanied by fever, stomach problems or weakness, these would also be indications that you should see your doctor. Finally, unexplained weight loss is always something that should be explored by a medical professional, to rule out any underlying medical problems.

While the large majority of back pain cases will respond well to home care, there are situations that will warrant a call to your doctor. He can examine you further to ensure that your back pain is not a symptom of a more serious illness, and get you back on the road to better health and pain-free days once again.

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