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Strengthening the Back Alleviates Back Pain
9/23 14:07:52

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There are very few people in this world that are not busy. Emotional stress and physical stress are just a part of today's working world. There are very few people who do not complain of lower back pain. All you have to do is perform back strengthening exercises to help with the pain. It is such a simple solution, yet mostly ignored. Those that performed proper exercises to strengthen their back muscles reported more long-term benefits than those that just took medication for their back pain. Complete victory over back pain has been reported by many who made these exercises a part of their regular routine. Following are back strengthening exercises that have proven to be effective.

Back Strengthening Exercise No. 1

Put an exercise ball under your legs as you lay flat on your back. Pull the muscles in your abdomen to the inside. Keep that position for five seconds. Do not have the lower back arched. At the side of your body is where you should be placing your hands. Perform all this 4-5 times.

Back Strengthening Exercise No. 2

Evenly distribute your weight on your hands as you bend to the floor and space your hands the width of your shoulders. Squeeze tightly your abdomen muscles. Keep the spine from arching. With keeping the left arm straight, you should extend your right leg backwards. At least 2 seconds is how long you should be in this position. Repeat the exercise on the other side of your body. This exercise should be done 4 times on each side.

Back Strengthening Exercise No. 3

Place your hands on your hips, feet together, stand straight, and squeeze your abs. You want to place your right foot forward as if taking a long step ahead. Proceed in bending your body and forming a ninety degree angle with the right knee. As you perform this, only slightly bend the left leg at the knee. Return to the position you started in without pausing. Perform again on the left leg. Plan on doing 10 reps on the left and the right side of the body.

Back Strengthening Exercise No. 4

With your feet pointed in opposite directions, stand up straight. Let your arms freely hang at the sides of your body. With the right arm reaching above the head, the body should lean left.. Stay for about ten seconds in that position. Then return to the position you started in. Repeat the process on the opposite side of your body. Each side of the body should have this done a minimum of ten times.

Back Strengthening Exercise No. 5

Lie flat on your back. Position the right leg to cross over the left knee. Pull the right knee with the left hand to the floor. Pause for ten minutes or more. Address the other leg with the same procedure. Perform on the right and the left sides 5 times each.

Back Strengthening Exercise No. 6

Start this exercise by lying on the stomach face first. Reach both arms straight above your head. Lift both the arms and the head as you take in a breath. Hold in this position 2 seconds. Ten times is how often you should do this.

You will benefit from increased back strength a well as long lasting back pain relief if you stick to this back muscle development routine.

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Article Tags: Back Strengthening Exercise, Back Pain, Back Strengthening, Strengthening Exercise

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