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Proper Alignment Of Neck, Back, Spine, And Shoulders
9/26 8:54:39

My name is Mikhail. I have been having back, neck, shoulder, and spine problems ever since I pulled my back in the summer of 1994 without wearing a back vest during fitness.
Since 1995 I move my neck the wrong way with cringes, because I'm afraid my head will fall off.
I fear that, because I was told that by a Jewish Orthodox kid.
Any suggestions on how to stop these problems and cringes all together?

First, do not be afraid of your head falling off...that is not a possibility!!!  Secondly, you might get spasms of the muscles from the neck into the upper back because of the previous injury.  You might want to find a good chiropractor to help with any alignment issues, and get set up in a proper rehab program.

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