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 Bone Health > Question and Answer > Pain and Symptoms > Chiropractors > Torticollis?
9/26 8:52:16

QUESTION: I think i might have congenital torticollis, now I'm 50 and it was never diagnosed at birth. Possibly injury during 'twilight sleep' birth re: forceps. The visible signs growing up as a youngster was popping of hip, shoudler and TMJ joints on right side of body. LIke a cool thing I could do as a kid and noone else could. there was also a small node at the base of the occipital ridge on right side of neck. never changed in size all these years. Most of my life this didn't bother me, i didn't have extreme tilts of the neck or head and Range of motion pretty good. Later i see the skull bones on right side of head are like squished and my face is irregular, one side smaller than the other. there has been tension in the trapexious muslce with a knot near top of scapula, another by inside of scapula by spine in right shoulder. okay, the good news with 1,000's of hours of stretching and personal work i do, this is being healed. The main problem seems to be related to that node at the back of the neck and also a muslce running under the right jaw near the lower molars. this echoes up the inside of the mandible and goes under the right cheekbone and on up to the temple area above the right tmj. Just wondering what might be the underlying cause, if it's this torticollis or not? PS: i agree wiht you that all cause are neurological in origin and I would add that all healing 'starts in the brain'. Thanks for your time and attention  ---

ANSWER: Betsy,
The underlying cause is the Upper Cervical Subluxation.  This is when the top two bones of the spine (in the upper neck) get locked into misalignment and put pressure on the brainstem/spinal cord.  The muscles that are attached to these bones then become distorted and asymmetrical.  This affects the spine in many detrimental ways, one being that the vertebrae begin to follow the lead of the top and also get misaligned, sometimes slightly and sometimes enough to cause a scoliosis.  An Upper Cervical Subluxation also distorts the mental impulse between the brain and the body which can cause any dis-ease that you can think of.
The way for you to get well is to have the upper cervical injury corrected properly by a trained expert which will restore the proper communication between the brain and the body, and in time you will be well.
If you allow the subluxation to continue then you will certainly get worse.
You are right Betsy, LIFE starts in the brain, and taking it even further we know that LIFE actually starts in the Brainstem.
If you would like a quality referral to a specialist, then send me your town and state.
Hang in there because you are going to be just fine.
Yours in Best Health,
Dr Rob Arnone
Upper Cervical Specific Doctor
Creve Coeur, MO

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: This is not really a follow up question, so it doesn't need a response... 3 years ago there started a spontaneous healing in my body of this problem, which is mostly a kind of spontaneous stretch. I have done 1,000's of hours of this stretching, and it is healing. This happens with movement of all cranial bones after the much 'work' the sutures opened more widely - indeed the whole spinal bony structure including loosening of hip joints, shoulder joints, sacrum, and the sutures have opened widely and also the shoulder girdle, which allows a profound stretch of the whole body. In this way, with changes to the nervous system and with stretch my body is being rebuilt. Believe it or not... So it is nearly corrected and many systems which had problems because of it have been healed. I am quite happy and amazed with the progress, never realizing a congential defect such as this could be healed. It is likely this is the cause as Dr. Rob Arnone states, but i guess it would need a physical exam. to confirm it for sure. Thanks so much for your expert reflection.

Yes, you would need to be examined by an Upper Cervical Specific Doctor to verify.  If you would like a referral from me just send over your town and state.  It sounds like you have a decent idea of what is going on in your body, and that is great.
Yours in Best Health,
Dr Rob Arnone
St Louis, MO

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