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loss in neck curve
9/26 8:47:02

I am 25 eyars old and have suffered with headaches/neck pain everyday for the past 10 years. As you can imagina, this has greatly affected the quality of my life. I have tried everything and seen every specialist and nobody can help. Recently i saw a chiropractor who looked at my neck xarays and said my neck was straight. I have been seeing him for 3-4months 2x/week for treatment on a machine called the proadjuster. Its suppose to recreate the curve in your spine. He also just got me a traction wedge this week. Up to now, i have not noticed a difference with all this treatment. Do you have any suggestions for me and do you think i'm wasting my time and money with him?

It is hard for me to say for sure, because I have not examined your case.  But in general, about 80% of our patients will notice some sort of improvement after 4 months of care.  I would talk to him about it and be willing to give hime another 2 months if he feels that he can help you.  Otherwise, write me back and I can try to find you a specialist that can help you, but I will tell you right now, you will have to travel a few hours one way for this specialized care that gets the results you are looking for.
Yours in Best Health,
Dr Robert Arnone
St Louis, MO

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QUESTION: Ok thank you
I live in toronto, do you know any specialists here? what kind of specialist would you refer me to?
also, do you think the fact that my neck spince is straight, that this would definitely be the cause of my chronic headache and neck pain?

There is a 90% chance that your neck is involved in this, although I do not have any specialists that I know of in Canada that can help you.  do you travel to the staes for any friends or family?  If so, what states do you know people in?  Anyone in St Louis?

Dr Arnone

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QUESTION: no i do not go to the states.

how long of chiropractic treatment do you think it would take before i notice a difference? if ive been going 2x/week for 3 months and have not noticed anything yet, should i still continue with the treament?

thank you

since you will not come to the states, I would suggest that you give chiropractic some more time to help you.  That is all I can tell you.  If you get to the point where you are desperate enough to travel, then call me and I will help you.
Dr Arnone
St Louis, MO

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