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Hip Pain/Popping.
9/26 8:44:16

My right hip hurts daily.  It is a an acceptable but yet annoying dull pain.  On occasion it become uncomfortable.  Do describe the area of pain/discomfort I can say it like this.  If you are sitting in a chair and put your right had down palm on your hip and your thumb on top of your thigh pointed towards your groin (the thumb should be in a position at the crease of the leg and torso)... I hope you understand... well right at the location of the thumb is where the joint pain in the hip is.  I bothers me if sitting, standing, walking or sleeping.  On occasion I stand from a sitting position and I feel like I need to pop the hip.  I sometime twist my body, move my right or a combination of the above and it releases with a slight "pop" and then feels better for a bit.   There is no swelling.  I have suffered no falls or injury.  I am fairly active for my age of 44.  I am not obese I weigh 200 lbs.  I eat healthy.  Any ideas?

yeah it sounds like it could be something simple. are you having slight knee pain on outside of the knee? eother way i want you to stretch and spend about 20- 30 minutes everyday (no exception). stretch your front of legs, hip flexors, ilio tibial band. basically front a, side and back of your legs. After 2-3 weeks it should start to improve, if it hasn't after 3 or 4 weeks of stretching EVERYDAY , then go see a chiropractor you may have a hip/ pelvic misalignment.
David Kulla, DC
synergy wellness
Chiropractor/ new york

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