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burning sensation in deltoid when training which branches out to shoulder, bicep, tricep, forearm in left arm
9/26 8:40:12

hi dr. biggs my name is zia and i am 16, 2 months ago i began to feel sharp pain in my left shoulder whilst training at boxing it became very painful to lift my left arm and throw punches. After 1 month the pain significantly reduced and i can throw punches and do everything i could before the injury however i get a burning pain which starts off light and progresses and branches out to my entire arm and shoulder the more i use my left arm. For example when i skip after 3 3minute rounds my left arm feels like ive done 100 bicep curls with a heavy weight i never ever get this tired as ive bee boxing since i was 12 also when holding my hands up and throwing just jabs after 30 second it becomes painful just to keep my arm up the pain now feels like its expanding into my lats please help

Dear Zia,

Sorry about the shoulder pain.

Have you been examined by a doctor?  Since you are involved in a contact sport, there are several things that can be injured in your case.

1) Rotator Cuff Muscles or other shoulder muscles and Tendons
2) Bursa (sacks of fluid that act as lubricants in and around the shoulder and the supporting musculature.
3) Joint Labrum
4) Joint Capsule
5) Neck troubles, resulting in nerve compression/irritation
6) Peripheral nerve entrapment syndromes.

I know that this answer is complicated... but the body IS complicated.  Please see a good physical therapist, chiropractor, or MD physiatrist.

Good luck,

Keith Biggs, DC

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