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shoulder injury
9/26 8:39:53

I think I may have a deltoid injury. I originally hurt my right arm about 10 years ago and was unable to lift my arm higher than chest height. Eentually after about a year the pain seemed to go away.
IN 2008 due to lifting heavy water bottles at work, I began to get the pain back again and then in 2009 after dropping a water bottle, I injured my shoulder quite badly so in 2011 I had an operation Shoulder Arthroscopic Subacromial Decompression (keyhole surgery for Subacromial Impingement Syndrome)
I was told that this would also cure the pain in my deltoid but nearly a year on I still have the pain on a daily basis.  I have pain when my arm is at chest height and I try to move my arm to the side or behind my back.  It prevents me from doing any kind of excercise where I need to move my arm and I struggle getting dressed/undressed (undoing my bra/pulling my coat off)and I am unable to sleep on my right side as the weight of my body seems to put pressure on my shoulder area.  If I am cleaning the house (vacuuming/polishing or anything that makes me use my arm for a period of 15 minutes or more then my arm becomes very painful and I feel weak and nautious

I'm not really sure what you are asking me.
i can tell you that after surgery or injury to the shoulder you must rehab it. It can take sometimes up to 2 years to get it at 100%. You have a long history and surgery hasn't worked. So, i recommend you do your research and look for a extremities or CCEP certified chiropractor. This type of chiropractor would have a specialty in extremities (ie:shoulders).
Hopefully that same doctor will have cold laser or low level laser therapy. It can be effective with proper manipulation of the shoulder.  

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