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neck problems causing nausea
9/26 10:56:57

Hi, I have chronic neck issues that originated from a whiplash many years well I have forward head posture and my neck vertebrae has straightened.  MRI some years ago showed mild ruptures and the C1 and C2 tend to be an issue issue as well.  Had chiro.adjustments for years.  I have developed extreme sensitivities to things including regular adjustments.  I've had a recent flare...neck is aching, weak, and I feel sick all over and having on and off nausea...the nausea is not normal for me.  Is it common to have nausea with neck pain.  Should I get further testing? My chiro. is wanting to try myofascial release therapy.


Thank you for your question.  I would definitely look for an Upper Cervical Chiropractor some that has advanced training the the cervical spine.  I have had many cases that have been down the same path you have.  Check out this web page there are many testimonials of patients talking about having been through general chiropractic with no result.

The bottom line is I would look into further testing with an Upper Cervical Chiropractor if you are not getting results. This website should be a good start in that direction.

Kind regards,

Dr. Grayson Blom, B.Sc., D.C., U.C.A.
Upper Cervical Chiropractic Specialist
5975 Overland Rd.
Boise, Idaho 83709

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