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hip pain
9/26 9:10:58

Hello: I wrote to you before about my pelvic pain, and you sent me a do it yourself short cut. Turns out my right hip was pushed in from a fall. Physio moved my hip back into place, but all the muscles that are attached to it are really sore. So the hip seemed to causee my pelvic pain when it was dislocated. All the muscles and nerves around the right hip are sore. I think my pelvic will get better now that the hip is not irritating them.
Do you have a do it yourself for hip pain?

Hello Barrie,

I'm glad to hear of your progress!  Yes, I do have a Hip Pain Relief page here,

Again, just like before, follow along with the videos and release all the areas with inappropriately tight tissue.
Keep up the good work!  Sounds like you are almost there.

All the best,

Gary Crowley

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