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 Bone Health > Question and Answer > Pain and Symptoms > Chiropractors > nervous system
nervous system
9/26 8:44:48

QUESTION: Two months ago I hit the left back of my head with an iron window while lifting my back to stand .A week later I began to feel pain on the left side of my head including my temple my eye my nose my jaw and my teeth. I had X-ray for my teeth and sinus. they were fine. My pain is not sharp but it is annoying.Do you think that I damaged my nerve system because of the hit I had? Please help.

ANSWER: Kawther,

It is very likely that you suffered from an upper cervical injury.  This is not something that any hospital or doctor is able to diagnose.  Only Doctors with specialized training have the ability to locate and even correct this negative situation.  The sooner you are able to have this measured and corrected, the less permanent the effects from the injury.  
If you have any detailed questions that you would like to know about having this corrected, feel free.

Yours in Best Health,

Dr Robert Arnone
Upper Cervical Specific Doctor
"Brainstem Specialist"
Arnone Clinic
711 Old Ballas Road
St Louis, MO 63141
(314) 995-5719

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: What kind of diagnose would I have? does my injury have to do with nerves and what is the relation between the hit I HAD ON MY HEAD AND MY NECK

You would have to be examined first, then we would be able to tell you what is going on.  And yes, it does have to do with your nerves.  Since your head sits on top of your neck it is directly related.  Your head may be 8 - 10 pounds sitting on top of a 4 ounce vertebra, this is not a very stable situation once injured and the reason that it is likely you may be having trouble here.

Yours in Best Health,

Dr Arnone

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