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Neck Pain and Dizziness
9/23 17:32:22

I have a whiplash injury due to hitting a curb in my car.  I have had a couple MRI's with nothing very big that has shown up. Some narrowing and a little bit of a disc that sticks out (very minor) but I have some pretty severe symptoms.  

If I tilt my head diagonally back to the left I get very dizzy and start seeing stars.  This also happens if I tilt my head forward and turn to the left.

I do have something going on with my ulnar nerve because I have a lot of weakness in my left hand and constant dull achey pain in my left arm.

I have been going to physical therapy which seems to be helping a little bit.  I was doing really well and almost all my arm symptoms went away then a friend (not thinking) pushed strait down on my head and that brought all of my arm symptoms back.

Any ideas what might be going on or what to try next?


Hanna Somatic Educatio
Yes -- it's obvious to me: Your neck muscles went into contraction.

... causing nerve compression.  That accounts for the neck pain, hand weakness and pain in your left arm.  This WOULD show up on an MRI -- but doctors/radiologist might not notice it because they look, not at muscles, but at discs and narrowing of the spinal canal or foramena.

and causing "cervicogenic dizziness" through reflexive connections between neck muscles, eyes, and the balance centers of the inner ears.

Please see my write-ups on dizziness at

and my whiplash injuries at

Your physical therapist should be working with you to free your neck.  Massage, stretching and traction won't do it; you need movement training to regain control of those muscles.

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