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Neck Pain Is a Pain in the Neck - When to See Your Doctor
9/23 9:31:03
You have neck pain. From what, you're not sure, but it's become more than an occasional occurrence; it's everyday and it's interfering with your daily activities. You need to make an appointment to see your doctor if your neck pain has been consistent for more than three days. Especially if the pain occurred following any type of fall or accident, even a seemingly innocent one. You also need to see a doctor immediately if your neck pain feels like its radiating from your neck down either your legs or arms, as this could indicate a more serious issue which needs medical attention.

Doctors and other medical professionals agree that neck pain is caused, in part, by bad posture. If you slump your shoulders, by nature, your chin is going to thrust out and this means your head is not balanced properly on your neck. When this imbalance happens it makes the ligaments and soft tissues that help support your neck go into overload and compensate for as much as fifteen pounds of improper weight distribution. So remember to stand up properly and give those hard working ligaments and soft tissues a break. Your neck will feel better as a result.

In addition to improving your posture there's a few every day things we do differently that can cause neck pain. For example, just the way we hold the telephone, the way we work at our computers and even the pillow we sleep on can cause neck pain.

Take the telephone. Many of us hold the receiver between our heads and shoulders. Ouch! Don't do that, it puts an enormous amount of strain on your neck muscles. Either start holding the phone in your hand (and continue to sit up straight!) or invest in a headset. A headset is the best solution if you are on the phone for long periods of time. You can buy them almost anywhere and they aren't expensive, just a good investment.

If you work on your computer everyday (and who among us does not) and part of the work you do is to type documents, invest in a copy holder. It's similar to a recipe holder only it can be attached to your computer screen at eye level. This will eliminate turning your neck or trunk to read copy while hitting the keys. Most office supply stores carry them and they run under ten dollars.

Another cause of neck pain can be the pillow you sleep on. Your neck needs to be supported during periods of rest, even a short nap. Get a cervical pillow that will support your neck. Available at medical supply stores and sometimes in the larger pharmacies chains, it's a good inexpensive investment to relieve neck pain.

A few minor adjustments to everyday activities and your neck pain will be history!

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