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A Pain in the Neck
9/23 9:29:41
Neck pain, whether mild or severe, has struck most people at one time or another. Most instances are minor reactions to an awkward neck position, caused when a person works, sleeps, reads a book, talks on the phone, etc., and can be cleared up after a period of rest and neck readjustment.

Recurring neck pain could be more serious, as it could be a symptom of disease, an injury (such as whiplash in an auto accident), a congenital malformation, or progressive degeneration that comes with age.

Only a physician can diagnose and treat this category of neck pain. The human head is "balanced" atop the spinal column; if the muscles supporting the head are weak or in poor condition, you could be subject to neck strain or injuries. Older people may suffer from osteoarthritis (also known as degenerative joint disease or DJD), characterized by a neck pain that worsens over time, and spreads through the back and neck, shoulders and arms; the person also may experience numbness or tingling in hands and fingers.

Other symptoms including headaches, dizziness, and a grating/grinding feeling that accompanies head movement. It is the aim of the chiropractic specialist to relieve neck pain and stiffness, as well as restore the mobility and range of motion of any frozen neck vertebrae.

Your chiropractor can determine if you have a minor or serious underlying condition (from disease, degeneration, or trauma); to do so, he/she will request detailed information regarding the patients behavior, posture, physical condition, work and home environment X-rays and other diagnostic imaging will determine the causes; once the diagnosis and therapy have been completed, the chiropractor will work to keep your muscles and joints in top working order.

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