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Joint Pain, How Can It Affect Quality of Life?
9/23 9:16:35
"Arthralgia" or what we known as Joint Pain is a common injury or disease that can interfere with your movement and it cause a lot of pain. It is a symptom of injury, infection, illnesses (arthritis) or an allergic reaction to medication. Knee pain is the most common complain of Joint Pain followed by shoulder pain and hip pain. And it also occurs from numerous causes such as repetitive movement or strain on the joint and poor posture. Eating spicy food or fried food, sedentary lifestyle and wrong exercise can also be the causes of joint pain.
The common causes of Joint Pain are Rheumatoid arthritis, Osteoarthritis and Bursitis. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disorder that causes stiffness and pain in the joints, a long-term disease that leads to inflammation. It can also affect other organs and it occurs at any age, but is more common in middle age and women. Osteoarthritis is due to aging and wear and tear on a joint and it involves growth of bone spurs and degeneration of cartilage at a joint. While Bursitis or inflammation of the bursae are fluid-filled sacts that cushion and pad bony prominences, it caused by repetitive movement and excessive pressure. The shoulders, elbows and knees are the most commonly affected by it.
Doctors, Nurses, Policemen, Surgeons who required their feet constantly are the most vulnerable to this malady. Cooks and gardeners suffer pain of the wrists and hands while athletes and people who exercise without proper warm-up or with ill-fitting shoes have the possibility to have joint pain. Artists and singers also suffer this kind of injury that can really affect their works and even cancelled their concerts.
Medication, Physical examinations or therapy were done in establishing the cause of Joint Pain. Your Physician will emphasize on the interview and asked questions intended to narrow the potential cause. He will then try to diagnose and treat the condition that is causing your Joint Pain. The main goal is to lessen the pain. More people believe that exercise is somehow dangerous for their joint, and joint pain is a condition that requires rest to recover but it in real life the opposite is true, it is the exercise that is essential for healthy joints and may even help to improve joint pain and function. There are also home- made treatments and other remedies that can be done in curing joint pain.

In one national survey, about one-third of adults reported having joint pain within the past 30 days. Any age can be affected by these injury or disease but as you get older, painful joints become increasingly more common, the flexible tissues in your body tend to lose their elasticity, leading to sagging and wrinkling of skin and stiff muscles. But whatever it is, it may be short term pain or swelling in the joints, Joint Pain can really affect not just your work, your everyday activity and your lifestyle but your quality of life.

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