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A Healthy and Happy Dogs Wish: Treatment for Dog Joint Pain
9/23 9:14:50
Arthritis in dogs is a prevalent condition that happens to around a quarter of the dog population in the world. It is something that vets frequently have to address. Canine arthritis can range from osteoarthritis to hypertrophic arthritis to canine dysplasia; whatever type it is or whatever the reason of it they all have one common denominator-it all causes extreme discomfort for the dog.

Canine arthritis is often caused by the gradual wear and tear of the critical areas of the canine's body. If you've engaged your dog in extreme sports and such, or if he is suffering from obesity-their joints will eventually suffer for it. At other times canine arthritis can also be caused by poor breeding, a physical deformity, or overuse. If your pet is suffering from this, alleviate his pain with an effective treatment for dog joint pain available almost anywhere.

For the older ones, joint pains are a familiar terrain that needs to be dealt with every day. Worn joints and muscles are sore and stiff, making it extremely uncomfortable to the arthritic victim. For both humans and hounds, non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs are used to treat the symptoms and ill effects that this condition brings.

NSAIDs are generally successful in treating arthritis. The properties in these medications hinder the progress of arthritis and decrease inflammation-effectively lessening the pain. They can be used together with another supplement for the best results. You must ask a licensed vet as to the amount to give. The vet needs to factor in certain things like weight, breed, health issues and such to determine that is the right dosage needed.

Arthritis in dogs can also be treated with natural and safer remedies. Glucosamine Sulphate and Chondroitin Sulphate are excellent supplements that fortify the joints and cartilage of the dog. More than that, these function to increase lubrication to critical areas, enhancing the mobility of your dog's body. Use these very helpful elements with a diet rich in vitamins and minerals to gain optimal results.

What are some of the things that you can feed your pet to help his condition? Mussels, shellfish and fish oils are really good sources of nutrients that alleviate the painful symptoms and effects of arthritis. These work for humans and canines. Other natural herbs like stinging nettles, alfalfa and yucca will improve your pet's health by restoring damaged joints.

While it is integral that you provide healthy meals for your dog, you have to monitor his calorie intake. You have to keep his weight down, or at least maintain the most appropriate weight for him. Obesity and extreme sports eventually further worsen the condition of the canine's joints. Also ensure that your dog is regularly exercising. Walking, swimming and light jogging are great ways to exercise your pet.

Always visit the vet and take regular check-ups, especially when there are behavioral or physical changes that you noticed. A good massage is also a very effective treatment for dog joint pain. It will ease tension but more than that- strengthen your bond. Enjoy your time with your dog today.

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