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Metatarsal Pain
9/22 10:28:30

There are several possible reasons that can lead to pain in the metatarsals. This article will give you more information on the causes, symptoms, and treatment methods for the same.

Metatarsal is the middle part of the foot which consists of five bones in between the ankle and the toes. It is one of the important bones in the human body, as it shares the weight of the body while walking, running, etc. Metatarsal pain is a common foot problem.


One of the most common causes is improper walking habits, i.e., exerting weight or pressure on the metatarsals while walking or running which can lead to pain at night. Secondly, wearing ill-fitting shoes is another common cause.

Metatarsalgia is one of the prominent conditions leading to pain in the metatarsals. It is a condition that arises when the nerve traveling in between metatarsals gets inflamed. Symptoms include sharp pain in the middle part of the foot, callousing around the toes, and tingling sensation and severe pain while walking or standing.

Arthritis is a degenerative disease experienced mostly by people above 40 years of age (it can also occur in younger adults). The exact cause of this disease is unknown, however, it is characterized by pain and inflammation in the joints and bones. Pain in the middle of the leg, i.e. in the metatarsals is also one of the symptoms of arthritis.

Foot problems like pain in the metatarsals and toes is also a symptom or side effect of diabetes. Diabetes leads to impaired or poor circulation in hands and feet which results in this condition. Peripheral neuropathy, caused due to diabetes, can also lead to pain in metatarsals.

Sports Activity
You must have heard of soccer players Wayne's Rooney's or David Beckham's metatarsal injury. Sports activity is a common cause of pain in metatarsals. Improper running or position of the foot while playing, can lead to this painful condition.

The pain observed in older people can be due to aging. Osteoarthritis is a condition that develops in older people due to breaking down of the cartilage in the joints. This condition is also characterized by pain and inflammation in the joints, foot pain, specially on sudden movement after keeping it at rest for a longer time.

Apart from the above mentioned ones, pain can also be caused due to enlarged metatarsal head, callus in the toes. If you observe this type of pain, that lasts for more than a couple of hours, consult the doctor immediately in order to get the condition diagnosed.

Treatment Methods

Metatarsalgia treatment includes use of painkiller medications and using arch support. Secondly, pain relievers are also prescribed by the doctor in case of arthritis and osteoarthritis. Although there is no permanent cure for these conditions, you can take medications that help in alleviating the pain and inflammation. You can use compression, hot compresses to relieve pain immediately.

On the other hand, you can have shoe insoles or pads in your shoes for even distribution of weight while walking. There are also special shoes and sandals with arch support available, that help in pain relief. You can consult the doctor or the physiotherapist for metatarsal exercises which will help in providing complete relief. As a preventive measure, you should use proper footwear, avoid wearing high heels for a longer period, and also be careful while performing sports activities.

Lastly, as a concluding note, one should remember that there are treatment methods to get rid of the pain and hence, you should not ignore the symptoms. It is advisable to consult the doctor as early as possible. Take care!

Disclaimer: This Buzzle article is for informative purposes only and does not, in any way, intend to replace the advice of a medical professional.

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