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Back Pain Exercises | Herbal Remedies And Alternative Treatment For Back Ache Relief
9/22 14:11:34

Back pain is one of the most common problems but remedies to relieve this pain are effective and can be very helpful in reducing the agony of the victim. There are many causes for back pain out of which few are relatively benign while some can be serious. The pain can be debilitating as it can restrict the person from performing his day to day activities. Relief from pack pain even if temporarily is not only good for emotional health but also for the positive effects of the treatment.

To control pain and inflammation in allopathic medication NSAID are considered as the safest medicines, but all the side effects of NSAID are not known yet so they cannot be treated as harmless or side effect free medicines. Herbs and natural supplements are free of side effects and they are effective not only in providing relief from back pain or backache but also work well for treating the root of the problem.

During mild or moderate back pain self massage of the affected part or the whole back with warm eucalyptus or mustard oil is very beneficial. Self massage makes the muscles of the back move and warm herbal oil improve blood flow to the back for relaxation of muscles. Consumption of half teaspoon of guggulu twice in a day after every meal is very helpful in relieving the back pain. Tea made up of ten basil leaves and consumed twice in a day is also very helpful in relieving back pain. Massage of warm apple cider vinegar on the affected part also relieves the pain as well as inflammation.

Treatment for Back Pain:

Sometimes the treatment of back pain is most frustrating as there is no "magic bullet". Most of the individuals recover completely by just avoiding strain to their spine. The treatment of a person depends on the symptoms and the length of the problem. You can get relief from the back pain by following these important steps.

Rest: It is the first step for treating the problem of back pain in order to rest the spine. Most of the cases of this problem are related with muscle strain so in order to avoid the further complications, rest is necessary.

Anti-Inflammatory Medications: It is helpful in treating the problem of backache as well as the associated inflammation. Patients suffering from the problem of stomach ulcers must avoid these medications.

Heat Application: Patients suffering from the problem of backache can use heating pad, hot water bottles, or even a hot bath to ease the complications due to pain in the back.

Exercises: The most important step in the treatment of backache is the strengthening of back muscles. When strength and flexibility of back muscles is increased, weight is distributed properly and so less force is placed on the spine. So, right exercises are very important in treating the problem of backache in some people.

Muscle Relaxers: In some types of back pain, muscle relaxing medications can be very helpful. It is sold under the trade names of Rumatone Gold Capsules and Oil and others.

Herbal Remedies for Back Pain

1. Bromelain - It is a substances extracted from pineapple with a great anti-inflammatory action. Start taking 2-3 grams daily and when the pain becomes milder, reduce the dose to 1-2 grams daily.

2. Chamomile - It is known for its pain killing properties. You can either take a few capsules a day, or 10-20 drops of extract, mixed in a cup of water or tea.

3. Red pepper - It contains capsaicin, a strong pain killing agent. It interferes with the perception of pain we are having and it stimulates the body to produce endorphins. You can either mix smashed red pepper in any skin cream you have or make your own tincture from red pepper and rubbing alcohol. There are also capsaicin creams available on the market.

4. Cramp bark and black haw - The combination between these plants is highly effective in reducing pain. The first one has antispasmodic compounds and the other one contains aspirin-like substances. The tincture is the most effective form in which they can be consumed.

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5. Burdock - It alleviates the pain and it also purifies the blood. The recommended dose is between 1 and 3 capsules a day.

6. Horsetail - It has a calming effect and it is very helpful in rebuilding damaged tissue.

7. Willow bark - It is used from ancient times in relieving pain and it helped researchers to discover aspirin.

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