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Do You Sleep In Bad Posture To Cause Back Pain?
9/28 15:34:51
Talk to anybody who suffers from back pain and he will tell you, how difficult it is to live in such a state, where pain and agony haunts you every minute of the day. People, who suffer from acute affliction to this disorder, find it difficult to even carry on to their day-to-day activities.

Therefore, if back pain has just caught you, you need to act wisely. It is important for you to know the reason of your back pain and get it treated as soon as possible.

There can be many reasons that might be giving you back pain. Sleeping in a bad posture is just one of them. When you sleep in an inappropriate posture, your spinal cord rests in a bad alignment. Sleeping regularly in bad postures can permanently deform the structure of your back bone.

A deformed back bone is the house to many disorders. Bad postures not only deform your spinal cord but they also have a very bad impact on your back muscles. So the next morning when you wake up, you may suffer from a muscle cramp or a muscle-strain.

Our spinal cord is not straight but curved. Sleeping in bad postures extends the curve in your lower back. A curved back exerts stress on the muscles and soft bones in the neck. This type of back pain generally extends up to the mornings. Therefore, it becomes important for you to follow an appropriate sleeping posture that provides a natural support to your spine.

The best way is to consult a good medical practitioner, who will guide you to the best possible treatment for your back pain. Besides this, an important thing is the type of bed and the mattress that you use while sleeping. The mattress should be firm. While sleeping, try to keep a pillow under your head and also a pillow between your legs. This posture is very good in easing your back pain while sleeping.

Some people have the habit of sleeping on their stomachs. For such people, it is advised that they should try and sleep with a pillow under their stomach and not under the head. This posture reduces the unnecessary pressure on the back and the neck.

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