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Alternative Treatments For Back Pain
9/22 14:10:35

Back pain can be such a life changing malady. So what are you to do? Alternative treatments for back pain, also known as complimentary therapies, are gaining legions of fans as they are quickly becoming a new method of working to get rid of pain and problems found all over the body. There are many followers who trust in the many options of alternative treatments that supposedly relive that aching back.

They weren't just invented yesterday. Alternative therapies have been around for ages. In fact this school of complimentary medicine has been around oodles longer than the medications we use today to treat everything from a sore throat to a nail fungus. But don't be mistaken, there is still such a taboo surrounding those who preach the use of alternative medicine. As more and more research is being conducted the complimentary therapies are gaining fans and are becoming more acceptable.

So just what can be done in the avenue of alternative therapies to treat back pain? One of the easiest complimentary therapies that you can try is the use of aromatherapy. Essential oils such as Rosemary, Sage, Thyme, and Horse balm are thought to help reduce all types of pain as they contain natural compounds like thymol that help your muscles relax. Doesn't relaxing sound wonderful to your aching back!

In order to get the complete benefit of aromatherapy it is important that you mix the appropriate quantity of oils together and massage them into the painful area after you have had an opportunity to soak in a warm bath. It is important to use the essential oils after bathing in warm water since after that yummy bath your pores will be open and your muscles relaxed. It will make the essential oils work more efficiently.

Another easy choice for alternative therapies for back pain include the use of certain herbs. For example, Camomile has a natural calming affect on muscle tissue, while other herbs like Bromelain, which is a pineapple extract, has natural anti-inflammatory properties. Proponents of complimentary therapies explain that if you ingest these herbs at a high enough quantity they can help to eliminate the back pain you are experiencing.

Trigger point therapy is another option of an alternative therapy which works on the premise that the body has trigger points for pain deep within the muscles. The muscles are then joined with the autonomic nervous system. Normally the trigger point will be centered on areas of knotting in the muscles and the point can radiate pain to other parts of the body.

Trigger point therapy treatment involves tiny injections of local anesthetic into the trigger point which is thought to scramble the electrical signals that send the painful sensations. It is important to remember that this type of therapy typically requires a few sessions before the therapy is fully effective.

Meditation, while still an alternative therapy, is more main stream these days. Meditation is thought to wash your body and mind of impurities including pain and tension giving you relief from the pain. The course of treatment for meditation intended to treat back pain is at least thirty to sixty minutes every day while lying on your back with pillows placed under your knees and thighs so the stress on your back is alleviated.

It takes a while to learn" to meditate but it is important to keep at it for this to be an effective therapy. While meditating keep a clear mind, free from all thoughts, regardless if those thoughts are happy or sad, good or bad...just get rid of them all.

Finally, while we are still waiting for the hard cold facts that prove that alternative therapies for back pain work better than traditional medicine, there is also no conclusive evidence that these therapies don't work! So after you've gotten approval from your physician, why not give them a chance. What do you have to lose except that horrific back pain that is making you feel ancient!

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