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Low Back Pain Relief With Exercises
9/22 14:10:25

Low back pain can result due to many factors such as excessive two wheeler riding, jerky movements, wrong posture, heavy weight lifting, pushing something heavy etc. Some of us tend to slouch and sit in front of the television and consider it as a very comfortable position for sitting and enjoying. Such people are prone to pain and once afflicted, they look for low back pain relief. Many of us have desk jobs or are computer professionals with sedentary lifestyles, and are susceptible to this problem.

Slouching contributes immensely to this pain. It is thus important to maintain a good posture all the time, especially when sitting. Some exercises will also help relieve you of this pain. These are exercises which basically stretch the lower back and can be followed very easily wherever you go.

The pain is due to excessive flexion. It is thus important to do an exercise which will stretch the back and move the pain in the opposite direction to get relief. This exercise can be done at your convenience and can be performed anywhere. Repetitions of the exercise will diminish the pain and it might not recur once you resume your desk job duties.

Another back pain remedy can be in the form of lying down on your stomach and pulling your chest up and arching your back by straightening your elbows. The hips are kept flat on the floor. This gives a good stretch to your back and should be done repeatedly to avoid the appearance of pain.

For those not keen on doing exercises, it is possible to get relief for your low backache by placing a cold or a hot compress on the affected area. The hot compress tends to relax the muscles and release the tension, if any. It is a great muscle relaxant. Cold compress is less effective than a hot pack, but is also found to be a good muscle relaxant. A massage can also be had to relax the muscles and stretch the painful area. You can use a trained masseur to do the job and stretch the muscles. Even spas having a good massage facility can serve the purpose.

Non prescribed medicines, the OTC ones, are very commonly used to get relief from the low backache. They are, however, found to be less effective and work very rarely. If the pain is unbearable, it is advisable that you see a doctor and consult him. You can get relief by taking prescribed medicines and following the advice of the doctor religiously. Always try and maintain a good posture while sitting. Rest your back against a soft cushion or pillow while being seated on a chair.

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