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Pilates: Back Pain And Better Posture
9/22 14:10:17

Often it is not until one suffers the sometimes crippling discomfort and immobility of back pain that attention is then focused on what caused the problem. It can be something as simple as sitting incorrectly or standing with poor posture. These causes, replicated over time can cause severe back pain problems yet can be tackled easily not only to ease currently suffering but prevent future back pain problems occurring.

Due to the changing nature of jobs over the last thirty years more people spend a greater proportion of their working day sitting down at a desk and the potential back pain problems are compounded when they then return home to slouch in front of the television. In order to achieve the optimum sitting position for the back, the hips and knees require being at right angles though this can only be achieved when an upright sitting position is adopted. It is often the case that the problem is due to the design of modern soft chairs or couches that do not offer adequate support for the curve of the back. The result is the creation of a rounded position leading to stress for both muscles and joints that in turn leads to back pain problems.

In addition, when undertaking walking or even standing, it is far too easy to become accustomed to not ensuring the shoulders are pinned back and stretching the body frame to achieve optimum height as possible. This artificial position will then, over time, put pressure on the spine and thus lead to back pain. And of course there is a ready solution to these common bad habits which contribute to, at times, the debilitating effects of back pain by re-educating and strengthening muscles to ensure they actually undertake their alloted function.

Pilates exercise techniques are ideal to countering the problem of back pain by strengthening the body's core muscles which in turn will ensure the correct support required for the spine. Anyone undertaking Pilates for back pain will soon enjoy a feeling of greater flexibility and their range of movement will vastly improve plus it will ensure that, subconsciously, the body adopts a correct default posture for both sitting and standing. Don't forget the hidden effect this has of not only reducing but also eliminating the chances of a further bout of discomfort from back pain. Pilates offers differing exercise techniques to both men and women, those of various ages and different levels of fitness plus specific routines tailored for back pain sufferers.

The exercises undertaken are a program of stretching routines specifically tailored to work on the problems that created back pain in the first place and will also reinforce good habits to ensure that both correct posture and body movement is adopted and adhered to. Rather than continue to take medication that will only ever mask the pain and discomfort, by discovering Pilates for back pain anyone can at last start to eliminate the source of such discomfort through a series of exercises that can be used at any pace and intensity. The result will create greater strength, mobility and flexibility in the body's core muscles, a proper posture position and a welcome relief from the scourge of back pain.

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