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Improving Upper Body Strength For Fast Lower Back Pain Relief
9/22 14:10:02

In this exercise we’re going to really build the strength and the foundation of the body by strengthening and balancing this lower part of the body and then strengthening and balancing this upper part of the body to release the spine from the top and build stability from below so that we can really get into the back pain, the lower back pain, we’re going to relieve that; upper back pain, we’re going to relieve that as well. So this exercise is fabulous for back pain. I’m using a sticky mat here. It’s a regular yoga mat. When you buy a sticky mat, make sure it’s sticky. There are a lot of fancy ones out there that you can get for a hundred or a hundred twenty bucks, but they may be slippery when you get sweat on them. You don’t want a slippery one; you will need a sticky one. Buy a sticky one. The most you should really have to pay is like, twenty, twenty-five bucks, and they’re kind of at a high end. You can buy them from my website, or from other places such as Walmart, or a yoga studio. Pick one up; they’re going to be a useful tool for helping you to get rid of your back pain. I highly recommend buying that and a couple of other items that you’ll see throughout the different videos that I’m doing on this series. Those things will pay off in the long term. A visit to a physical therapist will cost more than buying a yoga mat and all of the other items added up, and they’ll last you forever, compared of an hour of PT session. Okay, so here we go. I’m on my hands and knees. My hands are underneath my shoulders. My knees are underneath my pelvis. And they’re a little bit wider than hip-width distance apart. My feet are on the balls of the feet; my toes are curled under, a little bit more than hip-width distance apart. And then I move my hands forward, approximately one and a half hands farther. So my hands are in front of me a little more. My hands are lined up, middle finger pointing directly ahead; fingers splayed as wide as I can. So I have a nice wide base here; my hands firmly upon the sticky mat. The friction here is really, really important, as I will push my hands and my feet away from me later on. Now I push into my arms, lower my buttocks backward, lower my body, my head and my shoulders, and straighten my body, lengthen my body. I push my arms out, straighten them. So there’s one long line from the tips of my fingers all the way to my buttocks; and then I’m going to keep that long line. And then I’m going to start to come up on my feet, and lift my buttocks, and step my feet wide, further away from each other. I’m going to push my feet to the side, to the edges of the sticky mat, knees bent; I’m on the balls of my feet, keeping this nice straight line, head dropping a bit. And my upper spine is starting to release. And then I straighten my legs and lift my buttocks, keeping my arms straight. And I straighten my legs more until they are fully straight. I push into my hands a little more, so I push my hands away from my feet. And then I’m going to start to drop my heels down. It doesn’t matter whether they reach or not; it is inconsequential because, because the point here is what you are doing in the process. We’re not trying to make a pose; we’re trying to change your body. So, push your hands and your feet away from each other now, and you’ll notice your body comes into a more triangular position. Push the hands and the feet away from each other, as if you’re trying to tear the mat in a half. And then you slowly come down, knees first, splayed far apart, feet together. And again lower your body as what you did earlier; come down into your forehead and rest; your buttocks dropping down to your heels. This is great for strengthening your body overall, and start to get rid of your back pain.

It’s so easy to do this exercise. Its hassle free, it doesn’t require much space, and you can do this in the privacy of your home. What’s more this exercise relieves lower back pain, upper back pain, neck pain, all sorts of back pains fast. Try it, and see for yourself. To get the free video of today’s featured exercise visit Register, and grab the video and all the other videos absolutely free, no hidden charges whatsoever. What are you waiting for? Grab one now, and take your first step to a newer, healthier you.

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