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The Doctor S Advice On Back Pain
9/28 15:36:56
Back pain is by far one of the most annoying things I can think of talking about right now. There is a very good chance that you have experienced some type of back pain at some time in your life. Statistically speaking, more than 75 of the population will feel back pain. This can range from that annoying little tug at the base of your spine, to a completely debilitating agony that leaves you barely able to move. Most of all, almost everyone I know who has suffered with this problem, feel completely helpless.

Last year, I had a couple instances where I was literally unable to turn my back like I normally can. One time the pain was so unbearable that I could barely even get out of my own bed. The back is a highly important part of a full healthy body, and when it is in constant pain, life is just plain painful to say the least. I will give a few tips on what I have done to correct my problem.

The number one problem I ran into sometimes was that the therapists I consulted only focused on the symptoms and not the cause itself. From my standpoint as a medical doctor, I was pretty angry they would do this to me. Pain is not what is wrong with your back. Pain is merely a symptom of the overall problem. When your doctor gives you pain medication, all they are doing is temporarily fixing the symptom of pain and ignoring the real issue. Every time you experience back pain, you re given a pain killer, and the pain goes away. From what I have seen, this can start the dangerous cycle known as addiction and lead you down a totally different path with more problems in the future.

The thing I recommend is for you to find someone who will treat the underlying cause of your pain. Once the cause of the problem is determined and addressed properly, the problem will no longer exist. Becoming educated on back pain and how it really works is the ultimate key. There are all sorts of misinformation and pills out there. The best thing you can do is to educate yourself and find a natural method for treating your back pain itself and not just the symptoms.

The problem with me at the time was that I was not eating the right foods and lifting incorrectly. I love to train with weights and other heavy objects. The things I was eating back then were fatty potato chips, organic pizza, and sometimes cookies. I did the research and saw that not only did I have a lot of toxins building up in my lower back, but my lifting techniques were wrong. I was doing a lot of bad for my body. I cleaned up my actions and things are going much better today.

Overall, my biggest point is that you are responsible for your own body. A lot of practitioners are out there for the money and they want to set you up to come and see them again and again. I fully believe that people should be given advice that will possibly cure them of their pain for good. The presumption that pharmaceutical medications are needed for all sicknesses really disgusts me.

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