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Hip And Lower Back Pain Causes
9/28 14:50:38

Hip And Lower Back Pain Causes

Lower back pain is one of the more common conditions that many people experience in their lives. Hip and lower back pain often go together which is why many doctors agree that there is a connection to this and it has been proven. There are many different causes of hip and lower back pain and many of these commonly originate from just the lower back pain.

Lower Back Pain

Taking a look at the many causes of lower back pain makes one realize that the pain from this condition can radiate to the hip since the lower back and the hip are fairly close together. Hip and lower back pain go together because the initial lower back pain can cause hip problems as well. The more common cause of lower back pain can be stress or overused muscles. This kind of hip and lower back pain often resolves itself on its own with some rest and medication. Strained muscles often affect each other because a person compensates for the pain felt in the area by walking in a different way or altering the way he or she stand, sits and lays down. So it is no wonder that hip and lower back pain goes together.

Pinched Nerves

This condition is when one of the three major nerves in the spine becomes constricted or pinched. The result would be a lack of communication between the brain and the body. If the pinched nerve occurs in the lower back, the chances of hip and lower back pain are high. There are specialists who can actually treat a pinched nerve with not as high risk as some people might think. Once the constricted or pinched nerve is treated, the hip and lower back pain should resolve as soon as possible.


As people grow older, the bones grow more and more prone to fractures due to bone stress. A declining body can also affect the way that the bones and joints function. Hip and lower back pain often occur when the patient has brittle bones prone to fractures. Injuries can also lead to fissure sin the bones which can be painful when pressure such as weight is applied.

There are many other cause of hip and lower back pain. It may be fairly correct to assume that they are both connected to each other. Assumptions are not as accurate as diagnoses so best to check with a doctor before anything else.

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