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Relieve Back Pain
9/27 10:45:24
If you are suffering from a tight, aching back or a sprain, here are some simple things you can do for back pain relief. Remember 鈥?if you are experiencing severe back pain, numbness in your legs, or a loss of bowel or bladder control, see a physician right away!

Important Note: These are just a few of the many things you can do to get relief from back pain. For most people, it takes a combination of treatments not just one thing.

First, grab a FREE copy of our book the 7 Day Back Pain Cure

Temporarily Rest your back

Everything you do physically uses your back. So if your back muscles are pulled or strained, the best thing you can do to relieve back pain is rest it temporarily.

Lie on your back, allowing your spine to align itself naturally. Relax your back by placing a pillow or 2 under your knees. Rolling up a small towel and placing it under your neck helps too. Ultimately, you will need to start trying to address the problem which will usually involve stretching and other dynamic movements.

Ice your back

Injury causes inflammation, which is painful and increases recovery time. Applying ice within the first 48 hours of an injury will reduce local inflammation, speed up healing and relieve back pain or lower back pain.

Do not apply ice or an ice pack directly to your skin! Wet a towel or a pillowcase, wring it out and place the ice pack or ice on it on the injured or painful area. Apply for 10-15 minutes at a time, then remove. If necessary, you can repeat this process 2 or 3 times to reduce swelling and minimize back pain.

Compress your back

A properly applied compression or tight bandage can help stabilize your back muscles, relieve back pain and allow you to remain somewhat active as your back heals.

Alternatively, a back support can act as a corset and support injured back muscles as well as stomach muscles. This will only temporarily help you, using braces and will actually weaken muscles over time.

Use Anti Inflammatory Medicines

Taking recommended doses of OTC analgesics such as aspirin, acetaminophen, or ibuprofen can help relieve back pain. It is very important to be aware of the potential side-effects of OTC medications, especially if you are pregnant or have ulcers. Preferably, you will want to opt for safe, natural alternatives like our Heal n Soothe. Heal n Soothe is comprised of 12 of the strongest natural pain fighting ingredients and has helped thousands of people get lasting relief.

Time to see a doctor?

A severe back muscle pull or strain is sometimes accompanied by sprained ligaments, injured joints and spinal disk injury.

Back muscles can tighten up around blood vessels causing painful muscle spasms. In such cases, only a physician can help. Loss of bowel or bladder control or pain, numbness, tingling, or similar sensations also means that its time to see your physician.

Serious injuries that go untreated or are treated incorrectly are dangerous and can lead to further, possibly irreparable damage.

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