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Take Proper Care Of Your Pregnancy Back Pain
9/22 18:05:20
The emotional and physical changes and experiences during pregnancy can be very unique and contrasting too. It may be the happiest and the most satisfying period of a woman life emotionally but at the same time, is a grueling and painful nine months, physically. Back pain is experienced by almost 80% of pregnant women in the world. Though its very common, it should not be neglected at all. It can point to some serious problems too. Every change/ symptom in pregnancy has a different root and should be taken care of. Generally, pregnancy backache kicks off due to the increase in body weight, which can be up to of your actual weight. The new shape of your body shifts the center of gravity of your body. Release of hormones in the body to relax your joints.

Types Of Back Pain During Pregnancy

In pregnancy, back pain is one of the common problems that women suffer from. There are two types of pregnancy backache; lower and pelvic back pain. At any stage of pregnancy, if you feel the back pain, you should immediately contact your doctor.

Lower Back (Lumbar) Pain

This troubles the central lower back, above the waist. This is similar to the back pain experienced out of pregnancy too. Prolonged sitting, standing, or repetitive lifting can aggravate this. Main cause of lumbar pain is tenderness generated in the muscles along the spine during pregnancy.

Pelvic Pain

This is more common than lumbar pain during pregnancy. It generates below the waistline and may extend up to the thighs. This may not be cured only through rest and might need medical attention.

Backache may be aggravated by physical strain, wrong posture, stress etc. Proper care should be taken to control this. Some of the ways are:

1. Avoid work requiring physical strain.
2. Avoid carrying heavy things and babies.
3. Do exercise, follow proper instructions.
4. Eat well and eat healthy food.
5. Maintain proper posture.
6. Use pillows for support while sleeping, sitting and driving.
7. Take care while getting up from bed or chair; avoid sudden jerky movements.
8. If you have to stand for a long time keep shifting your weight from one foot to the other.
9. Never sit with your legs crossed at the knees.
10. Go for alternate medicine like homeopathy, herbal medicine, acupuncture etc. (but under certified practitioners only).
11. Take a warm bath.
12. Get some experienced person to massage your back.
13. Try swimming or yoga. But take care that the instructor gives you special care.
14. If nothing helps for your pregnancy back pain, just go to your doctor.

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