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Can Hemorrhoids Cause Back Pain
9/27 10:43:59
Hemorrhoids can cause a lot of problems. The problems form in critical parts of the body, exposing it to exceptionally harmful circumstances. In addition to being high on the pain scale, hemorrhoids halt the bodys normal functions. With all the damage hemorrhoids can do, the questions remains what impact, if any, do hemorrhoids have on back pain?
To determine whether hemorrhoids cause back pain, its essential to look at what hemorrhoids are, and how they interact with the body. Hemorrhoids can be broken down into two categories:
Internal Hemorrhoids- These hemorrhoids exist in the body for the most part. The symptoms, however, are seen outside the body. Internal hemorrhoid symptoms may be lines of blood on toilet paper or in a bowel movement released into a toilet. These hemorrhoids form from small veins. The veins swell in the anal region. Sometimes the veins swell so much that they sag and pop outside of the anus. When this occurs, the pain worsens greatly because anal muscles restrict blood flow the hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids thrive on blood flow. The result is mucus-like material on toilet paper during a bowel movement.
If these hemorrhoids do not heal quickly, the damaged veins can cause larger problems for a persons health.
External Hemorrhoids
With external hemorrhoids, the risk of severe conditions is elevated. External
hemorrhoids progress from small amounts of blood to small puddles of blood. A discomforting solid mass develops in the anal region and the hemorrhoids begins to clot.
Hemorrhoids causing back pain?
From a scientific perspective, the link between hemorrhoids and back pain is dubious. Some speculate that the hemorrhoids require so much blood that they drain blood from other sources. Such instances may cause back pain in muscular regions of the back due to a lack of blood flow.

The other connection between hemorrhoids and back pain is the location. People often complain of hemorrhoids pain near the tailbone because hemorrhoids grow near their tailbone. Such growths can cause sufferers to equate hemorrhoids pain with tailbone pain thus establishing a back pain connection. Both connections are dubious and not scientifically-founded.

Hemorrhoids, under normal circumstances, should be seen by a doctor. When hemorrhoids begin bleeding and occur outside the body, a physician should be consulted. Anal bleeding can be a symptom of much larger issues such as colon or rectal cancers. Beforehand, over-the-counter medications can be very helpful at treating most hemorrhoids. The over-the-counter creams relieve pain and reduce swelling. Other treatments help external hemorrhoids without the aid of a doctor. The treatments include more fibers in meals, more water in the diet and the creams to reduce itching-inducing inflammation. These treatments have also been shown effective in treating internal hemorrhoids.

Particularly harmful cases of internal hemorrhoids may require other treatments. Tying the hemorrhoids with a rubber band can restrict blood flow, essentially stopping the hemorrhoids food supply. Surgery is also another option for extreme sufferers.

Either way, when looking at back pain and hemorrhoids, consult a doctor, but be weary of drawing conclusions about hemorrhoids causing back pains. Other underlying problems may exist.

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