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Do I Need An Ergonomic Chair?
9/26 15:25:21
Sadly, many people each day find themselves in a position of constant sitting or slouching while in their office chairs, at home on the computer, etc. Constant sitting like this can wreak havoc on your back and be the genesis of health problems in the future. These include a cramped neck, cramped or sore back, and overall discomfort throughout the body. The body was never engineered for long term sitting in this way, and without the proper seat support, you could be damaging your back and possibly your spinal cord.

One of the best solutions for long term sitting is purchasing an ergonomic chair. Ergonomic chairs are not that expensive and will put your body into a more natural and comfortable position. Ergonomic chairs not only have the ability to align your spine, but also work to align internal organs as well. Many people do not value the importance of maintaining an overall balance in the body. Having your internal system out of alignment can compromise your overall health, lead to depression, and affect proper bodily functioning.

Most chairs do not take the natural curvature of the lower back into proper consideration, and some can even be damaging. Without proper lumbar support, the natural curve of your back is flattened over time, leading to poor posture and constant slouching. Having proper lumbar support allows you to sit at a workstation for significantly longer periods of time, feeling less discomfort. Most chairs today are not even designed with the correct adjustments to make the chair in any way optimal for your health. A one size fits all standard does not apply in this case, and can lead to injury or chronic back problems.

Another thing to look at when purchasing an ergonomic chair is the chair's armrests. Where are the armrests located and does this fit my body type? Armrests reduce arm strain and allow the shoulders to relax, which is vital for the repetitive nature of typing and deskwork. The armrests should be positioned so that the elbows are in a comfortable and relaxed position. Chairs that lack armrests are some of the leading contributors to problems such as wrist strain and carpel tunnel syndrome.

If you have not looked in to getting an ergonomic chair yet, you should look into it. Ergonomic chairs can save you countless dollars in the long run, in terms of costs related to health and back problems. They can also align your spine, balance your internal organs, and optimize your work potential. If you are planning on working safe, while working smart, than you should start considering purchasing an ergonomic chair for yourself. Being more comfortable enables you to be more efficient, therefore being more effective and healthier at the same time.

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