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Things You Need to Know Before Administering First Aid For Fractures
9/22 17:14:44
A broken or cracked bone is a fracture. Bones can usually withstand external forces, but if the force is harsh or the bones are weak, they may break or crack into fragments. If you have sufficient first aid training and knowledge you can administer first aid for fractures to prevent the victim's condition from worsening.

Things You Should Know Before Giving First Aid For Fractures

1. Determine the type of fracture

There are five different types of fractures- open, closed, stress, complicated and greenstick fracture.

* If the skin breaks and causes an open wound, it is an open fracture

* If skin is broken, it is a closed fracture

* If hairline breaks because of chronic stress, it is a stress fracture

* Greenstick fracture occurs in children's bones that are flexible

* If the fracture causes damage to adjacent organs, it is a complicated fracture.

You need to administer first aid, according to the type and location of fracture. In case of open fractures, it is necessary to first control bleeding. Rinse the wound thoroughly and dress it. Maintaining traction at all times is often beneficial, as traction prevents muscle spasm or pulling the broken bone into angulations causing intense pain. Traction also helps reduce the risk of heavy bleeding.

2. What you must do while administering first aid to open and closed fractures

* Check whether the victim is breathing normally.
* Ensure that the injured person is calm.
* Check whether there are any other injuries
* Ask the victim not to move the affected part

* Immobilize fractures with bandages, slings or splints to prevent joint movements below and above. This helps stop further injury and controls bleeding. Splints should be used when legs or thigh bones are broken. Immobilization helps prevent the sharp edge of the bone from moving and cutting blood vessels or nerves. It also helps reduce pain and prevents contamination.

* If the victim experiences shock, give treatment for shock first

* Stabilize the person until medical aid arrives.

3. What you should not do while administering fracture first aid

* You should not massage the injured area.

* You should not try to straighten the broken bone

* You must apply bandage over the broken area.

* It is not advisable to move the casualty without giving any support to the broken bone.

* Do not give any oral liquids or food to the affected person.

* If you see the broken ends of the bones, do not wash the wound or apply any antiseptics.

Fracture can cause permanent disability. First aid for fractures can help prevent further damage to bones and reduce the severity of pain. Your priority should be to make the victim feel comfortable until the medical assistance arrives. First aid is crucial for both conscious and unconscious victims. If the bleeding is heavy, give priority to reducing it first. First aid courses will provide you with enough knowledge on how to manage fracture and minimize the amount of tissue damage and pain.

Print this info and keep in handy in car glove boxes and homes for emergencies.

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