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Arthritis A Silent Disease How To Treat Rheumatoid Arthritis
9/22 12:06:37

Feeling pain in joints, have limitations when moving or suffer from swelling can be a serious warning. The cause of arthritis is not fully known, the latest studies show that some people tend to inherit this evil as family genetics.

Arthritis affects millions of people worldwide, mostly women. Unlike popular belief that aging affects more surprisingly this disease occurs between the ages of 20-45 years.

Arthritis symptoms can begin almost imperceptible. This disease is progressive, therefore, can get to deform making them stiff and painful joints.

Infectious Arthritis
It occurs when a joint is invaded by germs, which occurs when a wound near the joint is exposed to pathogens. Causes pain to the point of making impossible any movement, swelling, redness and warmth in the damaged area. The patient has fever with chills.

Noninfectious inflammatory arthritis
* It is characterized by inflammation of the tissue covering the cartilage and joints (synovium). In this category there are two types of arthritis, polyarthritis (that hurts more than five joints), and articular rheumatism.
* The former is more common, usually appears after age 50, affects joints of the hands, wrists and forefoot, and causes pain, swelling, stiffness and deformation. It is favored by exhaustion or infection.
* The second appears 2 or 3 weeks after suffering tonsillitis (inflammation of the throat caused by a virus) disease treated, for unknown reasons gives rise to production of antibodies directed against the organism itself. Affects knees, ankles and elbows, causing painful inflammation of short duration.

If the disease is detected by doctors quickly prescribe appropriate medications for pain and inflammation. It is therefore important to consult your doctor about how to take these medications and if they have side effects. As it is essential not self-medicate.

What to do?
- You should get medical checkups if you suffer from these symptoms, arthritis to detect as soon as possible.
- Moderate exercise is important so that the disease will not take advantage.
- If you exercise you advise to know the convenient depending on how advanced the disease.
- There are many medications on the market which have not been proven to work for this disease. Better advice by a qualified person and not delay the support you should have.
- If you apply heat and cold in the joints, could reduce the pain you feel.
- Finally, keep in mind that what makes this treatment is your best discipline and medical counseling.

How to treat rheumatoid arthritis naturally
Rheumatoid arthritis is common, but there are ways to treat it naturally. Rheumatoid arthritis is a condition that causes inflammation of the joints, and is often accompanied by pain and stiffness. Here are some ways to help naturally treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.
Exercise regularly, but avoid certain types of exercise. Try gentle exercise, such as low-impact aerobics, swimming, stretching and walking. Often, patients with rheumatoid arthritis feel increased pain at first, but this is normal and will change once your body adjusts. Regular exercise really helps to relieve pain and other symptoms and help prevent health complications often associated with rheumatoid arthritis.
Evaluate if you have any allergies, especially food allergies, such as wheat or milk. Many rheumatoid arthritis patients are actually able to manage their disease by eliminating any symptoms triggered by food.
To read more articles like how to naturally treat rheumatoid arthritis we recommend you enter our category Arthritis and joint pain.

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