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The Basics On Arthritis And Alternatives You Can Try
9/22 17:46:15
Arthritis is something so many people today are suffering from. Unfortunately, it is as common as it sounds. Read on through this article if you'd like to find out more about arthritis and how you can treat and prevent this condition.

What Is Arthritis?

Arthritis is being described in many ways among those who suffer from it. It is known as the experience of stiffness and pain in the body that becomes more noticeable over time. The hands, knees and hips are common areas of the body that tend to get sore and uncomfortable to move. Medically, arthritis is a condition that can trigger pain and inflammation in the joints. What you probably didn't know is that arthritis does not just affect the joints, but other organs as well. Other organs that may be affected include the chest, skin and eyes.

Arthritis is typically associated with physical pain and redness--this basically means your body is trying to indicate that there is a problem. However common the condition is, arthritis is definitely treatable and even preventable. It isn't necessarily true that if you have arthritis, you can no longer do all the things you've always like doing.

What Are The Symptoms To Watch Out For?

The initial symptoms of arthritis aren't always clear and may even be perplexing. However, it is essential to identify the condition as soon as you notice something strange or overwhelmingly uncomfortable with your body. The sooner arthritis is diagnosed, the faster and/or more effectively it can be treated. Early symptoms associated with arthritis are joint stiffness, joint pain, restricted range of motion in the joint or joints, tenderness in the joint area, and warmth and redness surrounding the joint affected by the condition.

How Is Arthritis Diagnosed?

While the diagnosis of arthritis is not always easy to complete, it is quite necessary and can be well worth it in the end. You will find that the symptoms commonly attributed to arthritis are also commonly attributed to other conditions. The good news is there are several means your doctor can employ that can lead to a proper diagnosis of arthritis. These means include the assessment of your medical history, a physical examination, X-rays (or other imaging examinations) and laboratory tests. Expect to visit your doctor more than once for a diagnosis to be established.

So Can Arthritis Be Treated And Prevented?

Yes, and in more ways than one. Oftentimes patients are recommended to take certain drugs to treat the pain and ease the condition. But more and more patients are also looking into alternative solutions. Some alternative solutions include acupuncture, yoga and even magnets. The question is if these alternative solutions are effective in providing pain relief.

Take note that arthritis isn't just associated with pain and swelling. It is also known to contribute to stress, anxiety and even depression. These are just some factors as to why some look into alternative solutions. The truth is, some treatments and preventive measures may ore may not work for you, individually. You may try fighting arthritis by doing certain exercises like biking and other exercises that are not high-impact (i.e.: water aerobics and swimming). Studies on yoga and its use among arthritis sufferers have shown that its practice is indeed able to treat the tenderness, pain and limited movement associated with arthritis. Acupuncture on the other hand is known to relieve arthritis pain. Furthermore, certain supplements have been found to play a role in treating the progression of osteoarthritis.

Now the tip is to select your treatments wisely. Fortunately many products do contain what companies are claiming them to have. Just be aware that there are unsafe and pretty much useless solutions out there. So the best thing to do is to list down some alternative solutions you'd like to try and jot down your questions on each. You may ask a medical professional and/or do your own research (though you should always speak to a medical professional before going on any treatment). It is best to try out the least complex and most affordable treatment plan first before trying out the others.

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